UPDATE:  March 24, 2019

Welcome to the Topper Dawn Convention 2019 website!  

My name is Vicki Ewalt and I am honored to be your hostess for the 21st annual Dawn Doll Convention being held in Newport Beach California on Saturday, October 5, 2019.  

Whether this will be your first convention or if you’ve attended many, each show is fantastic and holds unique memories.  You soon figure out that you begin attending because of your love for Dawn and you continue attending because of your love for the community.  By far, this community is the most committed, generous, and friendly group of collectors!

I have been collecting Dawn very actively for the past 7 years.  Dawn was very dear to me as a child and it was only after retiring from my full-time 27-year employment within the produce industry that I found her once again on eBay.  In 2006 while shopping at a CVS store on a business trip in White Plains NY, I stumbled upon a “Toy-O-Rama” Dale doll and purchased her immediately.  I can still remember the excitement and all of the memories that flooded back with the purchase of Dale.  Through Facebook, I found the Dawn Doll groups and immediately joined.  Even though I played with Dawn and some of her friends, I didn’t realize there were so many other friends, fashions, and playsets!  My first convention in St. Charles, IL began my deep appreciation of custom dolls and fashions. 

This year’s theme is “Dawn’s California ‘80’s Dance Party”.  For those of you that have themes in mind based on the location, there will be plenty of California nostalgia throughout the convention.  For many of us that played with the original Dawn when she came out in the ’70s, we were in High School, College, and/or beginning our adult lives.  The ‘80’s were an amazing time:  The best music (my opinion but I’d put up a great argument!), the best hair (the mullet-yes I had one), drinks-many of us turned 21 in the ‘80’s (Bartles and Jaymes wine coolers and White Zinfandel), the films before re-makes (Ghost Busters, Breakfast Club, ET, Indiana Jones, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Fast Times at Ridgemont High-so many), and the clothing!  

This year’s convention color combination will be NEON!  Be sure and bring your sunglasses because “baby it will be bright in there!”  

Southern California is not only the town of flip flops and surfing, but it is also where I opened my first Dawn doll.  I have lived here my whole life.  Dawn and I are very excited to help you discover the things we love about living in Southern California!!!

I am looking forward to meeting many of you for the first time and getting to know you throughout the year ahead.  If you have any questions about the convention, please contact me at or through the Topper Dawn Conventions Facebook page.  

Vicki   xxoo

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